The uncontrolled human activities, population, explosion, trade and over exploitation and indiscriminate use of natural resources has resulted in resources crunch and environmental degradation. Global warming and global change made the world’s social and political life affected to avoid this the knowledge of environmental management is important. Global change is a vast ecological activity. Hence it is factual that the nature is affected. It is clear that the environmental condition of the world is in a deteriorating condition so it becomes the duty of the citizen to know about environmental management. The book gives details of environmental problem the world is facing, environmental conservation, protection and restoration has become the global need and it will be successful only through environmental governance. The book benefits the teachers, students, environmental NGO’s policy framers, environmentalist and general readers.
Global Change and Environmental Management
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Global Change and Environmental Management
1st ed.
Vital Publications, 2007
viii+264p., 23cm.
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