Globalisation and Marketing Management

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Globalisation and Liberalisation is gaining growing attention as a strategy for survival, competition and growth. The limitations of national markets, the diversity and unevenness of resource endowments of different nations, complexity of technological developments, differences in the levels of development and demand patterns, differences in production costs and efficiencies, technological revolution in communication and other fields etc., mandate globalisation. The concept of marketing is a dynamic concept. It has changed altogether with the passage of time. Such changes have far reaching effects on production and distribution. With the rapid changes in tastes and preference of people, marketing management has to prepare for this challenge. Marketing management has to prepare for this challenge. Marketing as an instrument of measurement, gives scope in understanding the new demand patters and thereby produce and make available the goods accordingly. Marketing is the kingpin that sets the economy revolving. The marketing organization, more scientifically organized, makes the economy strong and stable, the lesser the stress on the marketing function, the weaker will be the economy. This book on Globalisation and Marketing Management contains papers on Marketing Management, practices, policies and emerging trends in global business. This volume will be of great use to all those interested in the study of Marketing Management practices and policies.


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Globalisation and Marketing Management
1st ed.
xii+308p., Tables; Figures; References; Index; 22cm.