Globalization and Indian Cement Industry

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Concrete is second only to water as the most consumed substance on earth, with nearly three tons used annually for each person on the planet. Cement is the critical ingredient in concrete, locking together the sand and gravel constituents in an inert matrix. It is therefore a critical part of meeting society’s needs for housing and basic infrastructure such as bridges, roads, water treatment facilities, schools and hospitals. Cement, like steel is one of the important construction materials for development. Cement, one of the basic elements for setting up a strong and healthy infrastructure, plays a crucial role in economic development of any country. Having more than a hundred and fifty years history, it has been used extensively in construction of anything, from a small building to a mammoth multi purpose project. Liberalization of Indian economy has thrown up new challenges and opportunities for all the industries and cement industry is no exception. With globalization, Indian cement industry has realized that to be competitive in the international scene, the production technology must be at par with the state of art technology as in advanced countries and consistency of quality of the product has to be ensured at any cost. In this book we have discussed the various issues of cement industry with global context and analyze the potentiality of this crucial industry.


Dr. Mahesh V. Joshi is Professor of Economic in the Department of Economics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. He has 30 years of teaching, research and writing experience. He is author and co-author of 30 books and about 20 research monographs and research reports. He has contributed over 1500 articles in professional’s economic journals and periodicals. Dr. Mahesh Joshi has undertaken and being completed 40 research projects independently. His more than 75 conference seminar papers accepted for presentation in national and regional level seminars/conferences. He has delivered more than 300 public speeches in different forums, institutions and colleges besides his 20 Radio and 15 TV talk. The Government of India has appointed Dr. Joshi as a Director in Bridge & Roof India Ltd., a Public Sector Undertaking. He is working as a Director in Centre for Economics, rural and Gandhian Studies and Indian Culture Research Science Council at Rajkot. He is excellent teachers, orator, writer and researchers.


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Globalization and Indian Cement Industry
1st ed.