Himalayan Snow and Glaciers: Associated Environmental Problems, Progress and Prospects

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This book, enriched with illustrations, tables and figures, deals with the glaciology of the Himalayas. Providing an overview of Himalayan snow, glaciers, ice ages and glaciation, it outlines the history of international efforts for the study of Himalayan glaciers. It also incorporates information about the extent of snow and glacier fields; their characteristics and influence on the climate; perennial Himalayan rivers; soil erosion and sediment transport; environmental problems; and monitoring for protection and conservation using modern technologies such as remote sensing, GIS and GPS. The book be will of great use for environmentalists and researchers in the field of glaciology and Himalayan studies.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jagdish Bahadur

Jagdish Bahadur earned his Master’s degree in Physics in 1958 and Ph.D. in 1969. In 1969-70, he received a post-doctoral fellowship from Norweian Agency for International Development on Glaciology. During this period, he, in collaboration with Danish and Swedish scientists, successfully completed a project on evaluation of annual accumulation on a high and cold glacier. After his return to India, Dr. Bahadur started taking interest in the organisation of glacier studies and has published several papers on the role of Himalayan glaciers and their contribution to the water resources and productivity aspects of Indian landmass. He has presented many papers at international conferences, organized by UNESCO, IGBP and ICIMOD. Also, he has two books to his credit Snow & Glaciers and Their Contribution to India’s Water Resources (1992), and Indian Himalayas: An Integrated View (2003).


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Himalayan Snow and Glaciers: Associated Environmental Problems, Progress and Prospects
1st ed.
164p., Figures; Tables; Plates; Maps; Annexures; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.

