Hindu Life and Customs: The Sunwheel

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Hindus who form the bulk of population of India represent a unique system of their own. The elements of their faiths are not found in the same manner anywhere else in the world. Fundamentals of Hinduism are the system of castes, which form the basis of law and the conventions regulating community life. It governs the institution of Ashrama-education and the means of livelihood. It filters down to the smallest details of daily life such as the naming of children and modes of salutation. Polygamy, the mairiarchy, sonship, widowhood, joint family and marriage customs are reflected in Hindu Social laws. Ritual-worship: the sachaments; sacrifices, ending with death; suicide; devadasi; sufftee; the obsequies and sraddha rites and eschatology are peculiar features of Hindu religion.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Helen Cameron Gordon

Mrs. Helen C. Gordon (b. 1867) has extensively described the life and customs of the Hindus in the present book which gives an insight into their social and religious life. Separate chapters include; goddess Lakshmi; village life; spring times and stories in stone; the blue mountains; a marriage of Gods; temples; festivals; Hindu; & Muslim; Indian Nights; Entertainment ; The Art of Pantomime & Dance; Travels in the “Land of the Celestials” etc. besides it contains several coloured and black & white illustrations. These are unique features of the book which will make it a book of tasting interest to all those who are interested to know social and religious life of the Hindus.


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Hindu Life and Customs: The Sunwheel
viii+220p., Plates; Glossary; Index; 22cm.