History of Indian Parliament (In 2 Volumes)

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Parliament's pivotal position in India's democratic polity is not only a matter of fundamental principle in constitutional theory but it is also a well-established fact in our political life. As a microcosm of the nation, parliament has consistently reflected the feelings, hopes, aspirations and even weaknesses and frustrations of the people of India. It is, above all, their supreme representative institution, notwithstanding all its shortcomings and failures. During the nearly six decades of the operation of the constitution, the resilience and relevance of the institution of Parliament has been amply proved. Notwithstanding temporary aberrations, decline in the standards of debate and conduct of members, in times of crises like foreign aggressions, internal disturbances, etc. parliament has stood its own and retained its identity and legitimacy. This is an honest attempt to objectively trace and authoritatively narrate the interesting story of the origin and growth of representative parliamentary institutions in India and present a comprehensive history of the parliament of India covering the various stages of its growth in all their ramifications. Such a gigantic undertaking called for sustained and extensive research and digging out, collection and collation of a lot of data and information. In a parliamentary polity, history of the nation is very largely shaped in the houses of its parliament and to that extent, the history of parliament is bound to encompass much of the history of the nation. In as much as this is the only work on the history of our parliament, it is hoped that it would fill a void and would be widely welcomed.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Subhash C Kashyap

Dr. Subhash C. Kashyap is a well-known scholar in the field of constitutional law and political and parliamentary affairs. Former Secretary-General of Lok Sabha, currently he is an Honorary Research Professor at the Centre for Policy Research and is working on a project on Political Reforms. He was a member of the National Commission to Review the working of the Constitution, Chairman of its Drafting and Editorial Committee and also the member-in-charge of Political Party and Electoral Reform matters. Dr. Kashyap has over sixty original works to his credit including the six-volume History of the Parliament of India and the two volume treatise on Parliamentary Procedure, Law, Privileges, Practice and Precedents besides a large number of edited volumes and over 350 papers and articles published in India and abroad. Number of his works have been translated into several other languages.


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History of Indian Parliament (In 2 Volumes)
1st ed.