The Timeless appeared in time to give the timeless message of the Timelessness of man to a confused and broken Arjuna. The time was Karttika bahula amavasya 3141 B C. Ever since volumes have been written explaining, expounding and interpreting this invaluable message from the Lord Himself. Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s Gita Yajna talks were compiled to make the classic The Holy Gita. He firmly believed that nation building could happen only through individual character building. He inspired the youth to walk the Gita path of wisdom. In today’s changed time, the message of this great spiritual manual is as relevant as it was when it was reveled. This is a humble effort to make the exhaustive work into a concise, crisp reference work. It is but a small torch to show the light of wisdom to seekers who would walk on this difficult, yet much trodden path. Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda was a master orator and would hold his audience by the power of his speech and his fiery delivery: he was the essence of compassion and love; he was the logician, captivating his audience with his incisive analysis of the human plight. He was also the artiste, drawing word pictures with his graphic descriptions. Above all, he was a Man of Wisdom and teacher par excellence, who strove to bring home to people an awareness of themselves and their efforts. A lady once came up to Pujya Gurudev after a discourse and happily said to hi, Gurudev, do you know, I have gone through all the 18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita 18 times. Pujya Gurudev smiled his wise smile and asked her, Has the Gita gone through you at least once? We hope this book will help you, dear reader, to welcome the Bhagavad gita and its wisdom into your life as you strive to walk the Gita path.
Holy Geeta: Ready Reference
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Holy Geeta: Ready Reference
1st ed.
Chinmaya Mission Trust, 2005
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