Human development is a powerful concept than conventional measure of gross national product (GNP) in understanding human well being. With the rejection of "Trickle down hypothesis" rising disillusion with assumed positive association between growth and well-being, new insights gained in the relationship between growth and equality the nullifies the claim of negative relationship at least at early stage of growth, the exploration of the capability approach towards development and the emergence of the new growth theories that focus on the role of the human factor in economic growth-all have brought a sharp focus on the human development as a necessary condition for sustainable growth. Contributions in this volume deal with different aspects of human developmental. Contributors have attempted to analyze he various linkages between globalization and human development, environment and human development, social capital and human development and education and human development. Authors have made an attempt to assess the status of human development in the states of North east India. This volume deserves the attention of the academia, policy makers, development agencies and activists alike.
Gurudas Das (1960-) is in the faculty, Department of Economics, North Eastern hill University. His major contributions include. Tribes of Arunachal Pradesh in Transition (1995), Liberalization and India’s North east (eds., 1988), border trade: India’s north east and neighbouring countries (eds., 2000), Dimensions of Rural Development in North East India (eds.,2004) and Structural Change and Strategy of development : Resource industry Linkages in North East India (2005) .
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Kiran Sankar Chakraborty
Kiran Sankar Chakraborty (b. 1960) did his B.Com. (Hons.) and M.Com. from Calcutta University in 1981 and 1983 respectively. He obtained a Ph.D. degree from Tripura University, Agartala in 1988. he also did P.G. Diploma in Business Management from institute of Modern Management, Kolkata. He joined Belonia College, Government of Tripura, as an Astt. Professor in Commerce Department in 1985 where he taught for twelve years and distinguished himself as a good teacher. In 1988he was transferred to another Government Degree College at Agartala, Ram Thakur College, and promoted as Reader. He is also Guest Lecturer in the Department of Commerce, Tripura University and member of Ph.D. Committee in Commerce, Tripura University. At present he is Regional Director, IGNOU, Agartala Regional Centre. A good number of his research papers and articles have been published in many contributed many papers in different national and international seminars and conferences. He is also working on a UGC-sponsored Minor Research Project and ICSSR, NER sponsored research project. His areas of interest are accounting, corporate finance, rural marketing, management of educational institutions, etc.
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