Hydroinformatics, a cross-disciplinary field of study, combines technological, human sociological and more general environmental interests, including an ethical perspective. It covers the application of information technology in the widest sense to problems of the aquatic environment and of the water resources management. Its aim is to equip professionals, practitioners, engineers, managers and decision makers working in water related arenas, with available information and technology, to make rapid and robust decisions as they address the increasing challenge of ensuring a sustainable water environment and adequate water resources for the generations to come. This field is expanding rapidly, as shown by the significant increase in the number of participants and exciting papers presented over the past six conferences (Delft in 1994; Copenhagen in 1996; Zurich in 1998; Iowa in 2000; Cardiff in 2002 and Singapore in 2004). The papers are grouped in 19 topics covering physical simulation modelling; statistical, correlative and transfer function modelling; rule-based modelling; verification, validation and confirmation of numerical models; management of modelling results uncertainty; advanced applications in real-time control, forecasting systems in meteorology and hydrology; data assimilation techniques; simulators; case studies; webenabled information and modelling systems; geographic information systems and imaging; data acquisition, modelling and management systems; optimisation techniques; engineering study – decision makers relationships and hydroinformatics su port interfaces; decision support and water management systems; uncertainty and risk analysis in decision-making; virtual insttutes, collaborative engineering and web platforms experience; international graduate programmes experience; continuous profesional education and long life learning experience.
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