Indian Community and Social Development

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‘The history of India is the history of glory’. Once it was but now it has to think to maintain that position. The cause of the downfall of that status is the degradation of status of society and the community which resides here. The Varna system is the main cause of it. Where Brahman, Kshatria, Vaishyas and Shudra are. The first three always enjoyed the power and status and never thought to give it to other who are no other than their own. They were from their own caste, race and community too. Their vested interest and malpractices compelled the Shudra to Maleksha which is not praiseworthy. Now the era of technology has provided a lot to the mass and compelled to think that there is no any boundary except human being. Those who are sensitive and meditative are thinking to remove this spot from the beautiful face of the country. Our government and Indian constitutions Fundamental Rights are the fine examples of it to remove the disparities make one society, a human society. The five year programme of Government is to bring the down-trodden and weaker section of society into mainstream is accepted. Its another side is too which is dark but try to light it.


P.S. Tiwari is a writer, Politicianj and Sociologist. He has published a number of books on the subject. He participated and presented his articles on the subject during the seminars in India. He delivered lectures to the schools and universities. At the present he is studying a reputed school in U.P.


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Indian Community and Social Development
1st ed.
viii+371p., Index; 23cm.