‘Indian Erysiphaceae’ is a monographic work on the powdery mildew fungi based on the teliomorphic stage collected on 86 different host species from various agroecological zones of Himachal Pradesh. So Far, 22 genera and about 300 species of powdery mildew fungi have been described from India, but all is scattered in mycological literature. An attempt has been made to compile all the species reported form India. Each of the genus studied has been included in separate chapter. Besides, host index, gungus index and references, the species described in the present studies and those described from India have been presented in tabular form in the end alongwith the references, camera lucida drawings and coloured microphotographs have also been provided. This monograph will provide a base for future compilations of the work on Indian Erysiphaceae and will be of great use to the students and researchers not only in India but abroad also.
Indian Erysiphaceae
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Indian Erysiphaceae
1st ed.
viii+136p., Tables; Figures; References; Plates; 25cm.
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