The sacraments of Hinduism have social, spiritual as well as scientific importance. They fill the mind with noble and virtuous thoughts and help humans lead a happy and contented life even as they have been proved to be beneficial. The volume aims to familiarize the readers with one of the most important sacraments, that relating to marriage. Marriage is considered a very significant ritual for giving society's sanction to a close relationship between a man and a woman as husband and wife. It is therefore, also called a social system. The rituals vary depending upon the community, the religion and the state where they are performed. The marriage customs, rites and rituals among royal families are mentioned in this book-most of these rituals are followed by common people as well and are performed in the original or altered forms in the Indian society. Mr R.N. Kogata and Mrs Lalita Kogata did a lot of research and consulted several authorities and have written in detail about all the important rituals involved in Vivaah Samskaara (marriage). The volume will interest scholars of Indology as well as general readers who want to know more about Indian social and religious traditions.
Indian Marriage: Customs and Rituals
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Indian Marriage: Customs and Rituals
1st ed.
D K Printworld Pvt. Ltd., 2009
x+126p,. Coloured Plates; 29 Cm.
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