Indian Rural Sociology

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This book is one of the latest attempts at a sociological analysis of rural community, rural social control and social change, rural social institutions and aspects of society, rural social problems, rural reconstruction, cooperative movement and community development projects and rural welfare in India. A critical survey of different views on these issues in the light of author’s own experience of rural life in various parts of the country makes this book equally useful for the student as well as the teacher of rural sociology in India. Armed with latest data in this most important field of sociology the author has made a powerful case for making rural development and welfare the basis of future regeneration of the country.


Dr. Ram Nath Sharma, M.A. D.Litt. President U.P. Philosophers Association for a decade. LMI: Indian Philosophical Association and Darshan Parishad; Director: Sri Aurobindo Research Institute; Chief Editor: Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Head of the Department of P.G. Studies and Research at Meerut P.G. Studies and Research at Meerut College for two decades. Guided three dozen Ph.D’s Author of more than one hundred research papers and an equal number of booksin the field of Philosophy, Sociology,Education and Psychology. An Authority on Sri Aurobindo and Indian Psycology, Dr. Sharma has always been keen to take up any important problem to present it in a book form. Some of his works on current subjects are contemporary Indian Philosophy, Indian Psycology, Integral Thought of Sri Aurobindo, The Kargil War, India VotesAgain, Indian Education Into Millennium Kashmir Autonomy, Neo Vedanta Education, World Fights Terrorism, Schools and Schooling in India, National Education at Cross-roads and Great Thinkers of the World Vol. I, II, III.


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Indian Rural Sociology
1st ed.