India and the US, the two greatest and populour democracies of the world, have had so many ups and downs during the period of Cold War mainly because of their different strategic perspectives. India’s refusal to be a blind camp follower of America in the name of containing communism irritated the US policy makers and forces them to shift their attention toward Pakistan. Consequently as rightly pointed out by many scholars in the field of Indo-US relations witnessed more ups and then downs because of their divergent perspectives on bilateral and multilateral issues. The collapse of the Soviet Union and failure of communist model pf economy forced the Indian policy makers to go for a paradigm shift in the early 1990’s which gradually brought the great democracies than ever before.
In the context this book is a humble attempt to analyse the Indo-US relations from multidimensional perspectives from the periods of Bill Clinton to Barack Obama. It is hoped that this volume is an addition in the existing literature on Indo-US relations and help the young scholars to have more insights into the Indo-US relations.
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