A number of theories have been mentioned to explain the theory of "Similia Similibus" coined by Dr. Hahnemann. Out of them, 4 theories are getting prominent- The Theory of substitution in which the natural disease is substituted by the artificial disease excited by medicines (prepared Homoeopathically) of small doses lasted only for a short time and the patient regains his Healthy state soon. Theory of Re-action-It is related to the vital force and not artificial disease, which over powers the natural disease. Contaria Contaris is that drugs exhibit opposite phenomena according as they are given in large or small doses. The fourth theory is that all drugs have two re-actions primary and secondary. In Homoeopathy, there is temporary aggravation of the disease at first, but the secondary effect of the drug, which are precisely opposite to the primary effect, causes relief of symptoms and may cure the disease. According to the above Homoeopathic theories, a homoeopath trets the patient with a small dose of Potentised Medicine which will produce an aggravation of the existing symptoms, and the dose being very small, the aggravation may be so slight that it need not be perceptible at all. This aggreviation is termed "Homoeopathic Aggravation". The intensity of symptom or condition due to Homoeopathic aggravation is increased. This occurs in about 20% of Homoeopathic patients. Sometimes the aggravation becomes intense to the patients and then an antidotal Homoeopathic Remedy is required to counteract the said intense aggravation caused due to wrong application of the remedy. When the patients are coming to a Homeopath for traetment after trying several types of Medicine through other Therapies, "Nux Vomica" will at first be applied to antidote the poisonous effects caused by Medicines through other therapies, but when patient coming to Homeopath after getting uncured through Homoeopathic Medicines applied by other Homeopathic Doctors, "Aloe-Socotrina" 200 or high potency will be applied to the patientat first so as to produce the correct picture of the disease and the correct symptoms in the patient at first so as to produce the correct picture of the disease and the correct symptoms in the patients to apply the Medicines. Prescribing Homeopathic Medicines without proper knowledge of Inimicals & Antidotals could lead to serious consequences which may only be compared with driving a car which is not fitted with brakes.
Inimicals & Antidotals in Homoeopathy
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Inimicals & Antidotals in Homoeopathy
1st ed.
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