Instructional Technology

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This book delineates and explains, in vivid detail, the technology of teaching at all levels. it combines instructional design principles, methods, media and computing with a learner-centred approach to make it intelligible, interesting and effective in the imparting of education to students. It contains details about the basic theories and applications of educational technology that will help the teacher to become an effective and purposeful instrument in disseminating education. The chapters have been carefully planned. They show how instruction is designed, developed and improved and explain the types and uses of different media formats. They also explain how to integrate and apply specific approaches, strategies and techniques to make the maximum impact on student learning.


T.M. Srinivasan, B.Ed., MCSA, is working as Senior Consultant in a software development company in Bangalore. He has been a brilliant student in his academic career, a topper all along, and the recipient of a number of prestigious academic honours and scholarships. He is on the Board of Directors of leading organisations and is a member of various professional organisations. He is keenly interested in the disseminationo f knowledge, especially about new developments in Information Technology and their application in education and teaching. He is a prolific writer and has published a number of papers on Information Technology and Computers in variuos journals of national and international repute. His earlier books Information and Communication Technology teaching Skills and Use of Computers and Multimedia in Education were well received.


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Instructional Technology
1st ed.
vii+248p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.