A Comprehensive book covering the advances and exhaustive information on the integral management of subtropical fruits. It has been well realized that a holistic approach is indispensable fro efficient and profitable management of an orchard. Information pertaining to related issues like WTO and Intellectual Property Rights, Plant genetic resources, IT have been included in this book. The review if the research and development status and compilation of relevant updated information on horticultural crop scientific information requirement of post graduate students, scientist, teachers and entrepreneurs. This book, comprising of different chapters contributed by well known experts in respective fields, covers experts in respective fields, covers relevant topics in crop management like quality planting material production, nursery management, high density orcharding, PGRs., canopy management, crop regulation, INM, IPM, Biodynamic and many more. In formation on WTO and IPR will be of much relevance to many of the exporters and breeders. The book is an outcome on integrated crop management in subtropical fruits.

Integrated Crop Management in Subtropical Fruits
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Integrated Crop Management in Subtropical Fruits
1st ed.
240p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.
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