This small book (The IMF and its Credit Windows) is spread over 5 Chapters. Chapter 1 deals with IMF quotas, meaning and their uses, Chapter 2 deals with crdit facilities in general and Chapter 3 starts with the evolution of the IMF and two amendments, their effects and the role of Special Drawing rights in the International Monetary System. An effort has been made in Chapter 4 to present and bring out the minute details of each credit window and some useful (in my opinion) table showing the use of various creit facilities have been presented. Chapter 5 deals with the General Arrangement to Borrow (GAB) agreed upon between the Group of 10 developed countries in consultation with the IMF initially. This was for the convenience of the Group of 10 as well as the IMF, chapters 5 also includes all modifications in the GAB. In my reckoning the book will be useful to any academics or executive interested in knowing the facilities available to member countries in time of BOP crises and the conditionality of each facility as well as quantum of facility. It can equally be useful to students doing Masters or higher course having International Finance and International Monetary system as their topics of study. It equally fits into the topics taught in some of the MBA courses at some institutions.
International Monetary Fund and Its Credit Windows
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International Monetary Fund and Its Credit Windows
1st ed.
x+109p., Tables; References; Index; 23cm.
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