The authors in this book comprehensively deal with investment in Indian agriculture covering a number of aspects like the concept of capital and growth, capital formation and agricultural growth and the scenario of poverty. They document the cross-county experiences on relationship between capital and economic growth and poverty. They analyse trends in investment and investment behaviour of private and public sectors, growth cycle of capital stock in or for agriculture, capital intensity and productivity, and importance of farm level capital stock vis-à-vis other determinants of gross value of output and productivity of labour engaged in agriculture. They discuss the development environment and policy options that would promote public and corporate sector partnership in stimulating investment in rural infrastructure and non-farm rural economy.
Investment in Indian Agriculture: Macro and Micro Evidences
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Investment in Indian Agriculture: Macro and Micro Evidences
Academic Foundation, 2013
8171889549, 9788171889549
229p., Illustrations; 24cm.
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