J.P. on Jammu and Kashmir

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Jayaprakash Narayan commented-through his speeches, statement and writings on Jammu and Kashmir state-more than any other Indian leaders. As conscience keeper of India with an independent mind and moral courage, he expressed his views on the developments in the state from pre-independence days to the latest days of his life. He was admired as well as condemned by the people and leaders of the country but never ignored. He was the profoundest influence on the Kashmiri mind, after Gandhi and Nehru and played a major role in reconciliation of Sheikh Abdullah and the people of Kashmir, after decades of estrangement, with the rest of India. The book is a collection of whatever he said or wrote on the crucial state, from all possible sources – archives, newspapers, personal records. It throws light on how national interest and moral principles can be reconciled and how his personality affected the national policies and events in the state.


Balraj Puri started his public career in 1942 as editor of a weekly and an activist. Though he has been writing in national dailies and academic journals on wide range of subjects, his main field of study and activity has been a bridge between regional and ethnic communities of this extremely diverse state, and between its popular leadership, even when it was alienated, and the national leaders including Nehru and Jayaprakash Narayan. He has been associated with almost each move that JP made on Kashmir, with his assistance, advice or critical comments. Author and co-author of 35 books which include: Kashmir towards Insurgency, 1995, 5000 years of Kashmir, 1997, Jammu and Kashmir: Triumph and Tragedy of Indian Federalisation, 1991, Jammu – A Clue of Kashmir Tangle, 1966, Abdullah Era (1983).


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J.P. on Jammu and Kashmir
1st ed.
285p., Index; 23cm.