Jawaharlal Nehru & The Cripps Mission

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The book is an intensive study of Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in the negotiations with the Cripps Mission which visited India in the critical year of 1942. Chiefly based on an interview and extensive examination of official records, papers and documents the book not only explains what constituted the ‘Cripps Offer’ but also says why the offer was rejected by the Indian National Congress and highlights the specific role or Nehru. The author’s analysis is neither biased noa partial but objective and cogently argued. Wherever necessary, appropriate citations from primary sources have been provided and yet the book is not larded with one too many quotations which often distract the attention of the book. Divided into five chapters, this book focuses attention on different dimensions of the political problems in India at the time of Cripss Mission and Nehru’s role in the negotiations.


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Jawaharlal Nehru & The Cripps Mission
1st ed.
viii+132p., Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23 cm.