Journey to Amity: India and Musharraf’s Pakistan

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Journey to Amity: India and Musharraf’s Pakistan, deals with the developments in New Delhi’s relations with Islamabad since the ascendancy of gen. Pervez Musharraf. The focus may be limited but the subject is highly topical;. In any case, the events in this period are a microcosm of the bilateral relations in the last 58 years. Beginning with the ramifications in India if the various Pakistan, the book covers the various extremes in bilateral ties -Failed dialogue and successful meetings, near-war situation and the peace process-along with many changes I the mood of the two countries. It should be of considerable interest to the vast sections keen on knowing where the India-Pakistan relations are heading to. The book is based on the author’s writing in The Hindu, most of which have been reconstructed, updated and elaborated, with the addition of new material, others in the original form weaved into the narrative and analysis.


Krishan Kumar Katyal is a journalist of long standing, with his professional career starting from a few months after the country’s independence. Recently, he completed his tenure of nearly three decades with The Hindu where he was actively engaged in the coverage of political developments, both domestic and in the field of foreign relations, apart from writing regular commentaries and interpretative and analytical articles. Earlier, he was with The Statesman for some ten years, which gave him exposure to the political developments in the initial phase of the post-Nehru era. He started with Indian News Chronical, now defunct. He traveled widely, covered many international conferences and interviewed several heads of government and high-ups, beginning with the Soviet boss, Nikita Khrushchev, and ending with the French President, Jacques Chirac. His interest in Pakistan’s affairs and its relations with India was deep and wide, as was reflected in his writings. The Pakistan connection remains strong through his several visits there. Born at Jhang in Punjab (Pakistan), where he had his early education, he did his B.A. from Lahore and LLB from Delhi University after the partition.


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Journey to Amity: India and Musharraf’s Pakistan
1st ed.
304p., Index; 23cm.

