Know What You Have !!

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The present alone is the only time when we can work and achieve, gain and gather, give and serve. In the past we can now do nothing, in the future, again, we can now accomplish nothing. In the dead moments of the past, in the unborn moments of the future we can never act. These living dynamic present moments are the only fields to be hammered at and wherein are all the glories of life, all the gains in existence. Times never stops; it is fleeting. The now alone is the only auspicious occasion to initiate our new plans. Delays are always dangerous, useless, barren. Today is the only day to attempt any great and worthy purpose. Let us whip ourselves with enthusiasm to make a purposeful, deliberate and vigorous beginning today, so that our true and deep expectation and hopes, goals and plans may fully be achieved in our own times. This is the only secret of all great achievements-secular or spiritual.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Swami Chinmayananda

Swami Chinmayananda, one of the greatest exponents of Vedanta in modern times, takes us through the thought process necessary to gain control of our inner world. He first shows us the logic behind meditation and then teaches us the specific techniques for applying meditative practice to our daily lives. When meditation becomes a natural part of our day, we find our lives transformed and our minds at peace.


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Know What You Have !!
1st ed.