Library Administration

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The book entitled Library Administration is a serious and sincere attempt by authors to study and analyse the role of various factors involved in the successful administration of library system. The book explores the personnel management in library services. It highlights the fact that position of the staff in library service is pivotal, in order to deal with the situation of efficient staff, classification of duties in considered crucial for the efficient functioning of the library system.

Students play a pivotal part in the library administration. It has been observed that in all college libraries employment is given to student assistants. Normally, they perform routine tasks like desk duty, shelving, filling and typing.

Book selection and acquisition are considered significant in library administration. Numerous factors affect the selection and acquisition policy. Finance plays a crucial part in the administration of library. It has both short and long-term objectives. The short-term objectives are financial economy, adequate support and wise expenditure of funds, the long-term objective is library programme planned, supported and adapted to the changing educational requirements.

For a successful administration of library, understanding of college library service is very crucial. The book incorporates the study of understanding of library service in the academic institution and research centers. Planning and administration of library building and equipment is part and parcel of the library administration.

The book will be of immense help to all those contemplating to acquire expert knowledge of library administration with special reference to library and information science and management.


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Library Administration
1st ed.
vi+304p., 23cm.