Life of Christian Samuel Hahnemann: Founder of Homoeopathy

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It is difficult, even now, to estimate the influence on medicine of Samuel Hahnemann, whose "glorious discontent" with the therapeutics of his day was such that he gave up everything in the endeavour to find "if God had not indeed given some certain law by which the diseases of mankind could be cured." And to this patient genius the Law of Healing in time revealed itself, and to the elucidation of that Law he thereafter devoted his long life. Hahnemann looked for his vindication to posterity. He envisaged the long years wherein some of the essentials among his "doctrines" would be Questioned even by his own followers. But now, at last, his dicta are appealing to the more independent thinkers in medicine, although the limits of his teachings and suggestions are by no means reached, even in our day of scientific research. Hahnemann has always been not only up-to-date, but before-date; and this still obtains.


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Life of Christian Samuel Hahnemann: Founder of Homoeopathy
2nd ed.
288p.; Bibliography; Index.