Major Trends in Commercial Journalism in the World

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The role of the commercial journalism has been very praise-worthy and significant for the world trade. Now-a-days, the world bodies like the World Trade Organisation and the U.N. are playing major roles in the development of commerce in the world. The United nations also brings our yearly data on both the development and the developing world which is helpful in the commerce of the world.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gurudarshan Singh

Sardar Gurdarshan Singh did his M.A. in Mass Communication from Punjab University. He taught for sometime in the school of Journalism and later began writing as a free-lance writer for various Newspaper and magazines. He has visited many Western Countries including Great Britain, Canada and America. He has been contributing to various International newspaper like Washington Post, new York Times and Times of London. He has been writing regular features in the Indian Newspapers like The Hindustan Times, The Times of India, Indian express and The Statesman.


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Major Trends in Commercial Journalism in the World
1st ed.
viii+280p., Figures; Index; 23cm.