Malpighiaceae – the family of common Indian Madhvilata, is one of the largest families in plant kingdom with about 65 genera and ca 1300 species. But comparatively it has not been worked out satisfactorily. After Niedenzu (1928) no detailed study on this family has come out except for sporadic publications on regional basis. The family has certain features of special interest by which it can easily be recognised. The plants of this family have been put to different uses in different parts of the world starting from preparation of jellies to the extraction of hallucinogens. The fruits of some species are edible while the timber of others are used for making wooden wares. Some yield narcotic drinks while a few are common cure to the cutaneous diseases. But still our knowledge in this context is very meagre. Much is yet to be known from the aboriginal people dwelling in natural forests. In this book, an attempt has been made to review the work done on various aspects of the family in India and abroad, alongwith the taxonomic treatment of the taxa recorded so far from India. It may be mentioned here that Sir J.D. Hooker in Flora of British India mentioned the occurrence of only 8 species under 2 genera from the present political boundaries of India while present study by the author revealed that as many as 41 taxa belonging to 37 species under 9 genera are found in our country. Endemism and rarity status have also been discussed.
Malpighiaceae of India
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Malpighiaceae of India
1st ed.
157p., Plates; References; Maps; 23cm.
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