The present book is result of an outcome of the effort from the proceedings of a two day Seminar on "Management Challenges Emerging Service Economy of India" held under the author’s directorship. The seminar was sponsored by UGC and was held at School Business Management, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The theme of the book is as follows: Indian economy is today dominated by service sector in terms of GDP and organised employment opportunity. Yet India is considered to be a laggard in this sector as the reasons may include, among many huge and silent crisis of unemployment ever since 1991 opening up of economy. India, which is striving to break the age old bondage of man to misery, want and destitution must understand the basic problems of organising people of diversified and highly advanced skills and judgement to overcome the twin challenge of liberatising and globalising economy. The role of government and political organisations on the sustenance of prosperity of service economy needs to be understood and reviewed is their functioning vis-?-vis various service organisations. The book has been organised into eight distinct sections keeping the theme and overall diversity of the available papers. It is expected to open up and serve an important area of the gap of knowledge with regard to unfolding service economy of India.
Ethical Business Strategy
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