Farmers, irrespective of whether they are producing field crops, vegetables, fruits, flowers, forest trees, meat, milk, eggs, fish or silk etc., must have a remunerative return from them. This may be achieved through the scientific management of their enterprises. Management has been recognized all over the world as the scientific process by which the productivity of human as well as other resources may be enchanced. The present study takes into consideration Operational Management, which has a bearing on the day-to-day management of the farm operations and also strategic Management, which has a bearing on long-term management of the farm enterprise. Management development in the coming decades. The method of Factor Analysis was adopted to find out the management factors relevant for the farmers. On the basis of the variable representing the management factors and the attributes derived from the factors, a comprehensive management development process for the farmers has been suggested. This book adds a new dimension – Management development (Made) for the farmers – to the existing body of knowledge in the disciplines of Extension, Management and Agricultural Economics and also presents a methodology for such investigation.
Management Development For Farmers
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Management Development For Farmers
1st ed.
viii+127p., Tables; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.
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