In developing countries like India, it is imperative to initiate changes in all sectors-industrial, health, natural resources, and especially education. The foremost Indian pioneer of HRD studies Udai Pareek and Wills Griffin, set out to make a study of how to steer the process of change within educational systems and institutions. They introduce the concept of planned change education, examine the setting in context of culture, readiness, and leadership and also analyze the dynamics of managing the process of change in education.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Willis H. Griffin
Dr. Willis H Griffin (b. 1919) studied at the Central Michigan College and the University of Michigan and he was awarded the Doctorate of education by the Columbia University in 1952. He was High School Principal at the Mac Bain Public School, Michigan, from 1941 to 1943. He then served with U.S.Air Force in China and India for three years. After the Second World War, he joined the Bellevue Public School, Michigan, as High School Principal. From 1949 to 1965 he was on the faculty of Columbia University and held a number of important academic and administrative positions. Dr. Griffin retired as Professor and Director of International Programmes, Centre for Developmental Change, University of Kentucky, USA.
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