Manual of Indian Forest Utilization

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When planning this book the authors was greatly helped by the official opinions of forest departments and many individual suggestions. They covered a wide range of needs and specified at least a manual of pests and control methods for the divisional officer and his staff, a textbook for lecturers and student at the forest colleges, as well as a work of reference for research officers and entomologists; moreover the book should be portable. In the volumes 1 and 2 the arrangement of the 4300 species of insects mentioned in the book alphabetically on the basis of order, family, genus, and species with their ecology, and control are given and in the volumes 3, 4 and 5 the injurious and the useful insects of Indian forests are given with their distribution, trees attacked, description of the species, life history, relations to the forest and where practicable, remarks on protective and remedial measures for combating its attacks are given. The residual subject-matter incorporated in this book may seem formidable but it is elaborated with page headings, paragraphs, cross-references and synopses so that the forester may pick out his special items with certainty and ease; from any spot on which he parachutes he should readily reach his objective.


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Manual of Indian Forest Utilization
2nd Revised ed.
xxxvi+306p., lllustrations.