Mass Media in India

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The means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, books, and radio are conventionally known as mass media. The present book, compilation of informative articles on Mass Media in general and its status in India in particular, provides basic information on the topic in historical perspective. Though in the 21st century, an information age, the scenario has undergone drastic changes, yet one should know about the historic long march of mass media. The information is organized under nine chapters namely – Traditional mass media in India; print media: evolution and development; news coverage for masses; Newspapers as mass media; the print media in information age; video flow into India; television and mass communication; television policy in India; television and social change etc. Some important documents on broadcasting, etc., are reproduced to know the legal status of mass media. This will prove informative and useful to academics as well as professionals in the field.


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Mass Media in India
1st ed.
x+266p., Tables; Appendices; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.