While much has been written on the popular concepts of Bhakti in medieval India, little attempt has so far been made to link it with the theoretical discussions of the great Acaryas – Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Madhva, Vallabha, the Gaudiya Acaryas, Madhusudana Sarasvati, etc. Dr. Susmita Pande examines in the present monograph the works of the above-mentioned great Acaryas and Saints – Jnanadeva, Namadeva, Kabir, Nanak, Mira, Sur, Tulsi and Ekanath – to delineate the culmination of the Bhakti movement both at the philosophical as well as poetical levels. From her work it would emerge that Bhakti was a spiritual idea as much as a social movement. It was essentially much as a social movement. It was essentially a continuous development of the ancient tradition which was reinterpreted in diverse new ways by the great Acaryas and Saints whose schools are still continuing as a living force. At the same time it led to new popular religious and social movements of reform and partial protest. The work is indispensable for all those who are interested in the religious, philosophical and social developments in India from the 12th to the 16th century A.D.

Medieval Bhakti Movement
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Medieval Bhakti Movement
1st ed.
xliv+168p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
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