Methodology of Social Research

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Social research refers to the research conducted by social scientists within disciplines such as sociology, social psychology, social policy, human geography, political science, social anthropology and education. Sociologists study diverse things: from census data on hundreds of thousands of human beings, through the in-depth analysis of the life of a single important person to monitoring what is happening on a street today or what was happening a few hundred years ago.This book is designed for students at the beginning of their journey in social research. It aims to provide an accessible, practically-oriented introduction to social research methods. The research methods included in this book are selected on the basis of their relevance to contemporary social research practice. As an introductory undergraduate social research text, this book aims not to fully equip students as social researchers in any specific method or technique, but also to inspire students to continue their engagement with social research by presenting the requisite introductory skills within a framework of exciting, up-to-date relevant research


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Methodology of Social Research
1st ed.