Military Geography

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The 20th Century has been milestone for evolutionary and revolutionary changes being introduced in warfare. It is a culmination of the above facts that it became vital to conduct the war with Grand Strategy, Strategy and tactics. In the pre and post era of World Wars I & II, geography came-up as a crucial factor in defence, development, security and foreign affairs of the State. The basic aim of this book is to cover every aspect of relationship between war and geography in a wider context. This book is centric to Military Geography, which takes India as an example. It is an attempt to conduct the brief review of the contributions by the geopoliticians to the contemporary world. The author independently analyses the geopolitics, geostrategy and military geography with pragmatic approach assumed on the mate4rial facts. The book also offers required literature to the students of political geography and military science, and defence and strategic studies. 


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Military Geography
1st ed.
260p., Tables; Figures; Notes; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.