It is a truism to remark that the problems of education are complex because each one of them breeds a number of associated problems, issues and difficulties. For example, if we take up the problem of education at any stage of education, we are caught in a lybrinth of such problems as those relating to building with allied equipments, courses of study, organization and administration, method of teaching, text-books, medium of instruction, examination, admission and the philosophical, historical and geographical backgrounds of the children and parents whom the educational institutions have to serve and guide. Besides, we have also to take into consideration the financing problems and the various types of governmental and private organizations that are in the field to run the educational machineries. Evidently, the job of dealing with problems of education is a hard nut to crack. However, we have ventured to crack this nut for making the Kernal available to all those interested in Indian education in the limited span of this little book. It may be added here that while dealing with the problem of education herein at a particular stage of education we have tried to study the same in the above contexts and also in the relevant allied areas.
Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education
Philosophy of education is a ...
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