Modern Library Services

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This book titled "Modern Library Services" has been written not for the present generation only, but for the coming generation too. What is modern today, becomes outdated for the next generation. Time is changing very fast. Nowadays, we are talking of digital library and who can predict what is going to happen in 2050?

The author tells about the importance of early college libraries, Professor William M. Randall study of library in 1932, Land Grant Colleges etc. There is also an interesting and informative depiction of the factors that influence the today college library service. Of greater value is a brief examination of the actual changes in educational theory that are affecting the form, content, and method of college education today, and of implication of these changes for the library.

The more systematic and definitely pointed the interpretation plan is, the more effective it will be and more easily managed. The simple and easy-to-understand language, consistency and accuracy throughout the book makes this book an valuable asset for students of library studies and Professors and scholars alike. This book will dispel the darkness of ignorance and spread the light of knowledge and wisdom. The author has taken immense pain, while preparing this book and consults many libraries, books and surf many sites on net. This book is the outcome of years long experience of author in this field.

This book will be of immense help to all those contemplating to acquire expert knowledge of Modern Library Services with special reference to Library and Information Science and Management.


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Bibliographic information

Modern Library Services
1st ed.
vi+319p., Bibliography; Index; 23cm.