Music to thy Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music is a modest attempt to assess the life and contribution of about thirty personalities who have devoted their life-time to the creation, enrichment and propagation of Hindustani instrumental music primarily through performance, teaching and research. The author tries to present profiles of these personalities whom he had seen, heard, met and known on friendly terms, over the years in a non-conventional manner by combining reminiscence, interview, analysis, discussion and biographical information in a composite form. The interest in Hindustani music is growing in India and abroad significantly and Music to the Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music will benefit both students and connoisseurs of music.
Music to Thy Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music
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Music to Thy Ears: Great Masters of Hindustani Instrumental Music
1st Ed.
xii+216p., Plates; Appendix; Glossary; 23cm.
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