Natyasastra of Bharatamuni is the oldest available treatise on dramaturgy and the kindred arts. Like other Indian Sciences it claims a divine origin and is regarded as a Natya-veda. It was originally created by Brahma on the request of gods as a means of diversion. It was within the request of all irrespective of their caste and creed. Brahma passed it on to Bharata and asked him to propagate with the help of his one hundred sons. The Natyasastra treats all possible subjects connected with Natya, right from its origin to its production, presentation, construction of play-houses of various types, the costumes, the make-up, the musical instruments, the gestures of actors, style of expression and gestures of actors, styles of expression and aesthetic taste which was the chief motive behind its creation. Present edition is critically edited and is based on other available texts of the Natyasastra along with the commentary Abhinavabharati by Abhinava-Gupta.
Natyasastra of Bharatamuni: With the Commentary Abhinavabharati of Abhinavaguptacarya (In 4 Volumes)
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Natyasastra of Bharatamuni: With the Commentary Abhinavabharati of Abhinavaguptacarya (In 4 Volumes)
8171100783, 9788171100026
12+545p., 20+340p., 32+391p.,36+400p., Index; 23cm.
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