The present edition of the natya- sastra of Bharata is reprinted and edited a new form. The English translation of Natya-Sastra by M.M. Ghosh was published hundred years before. It was well received by the scholars at that time and was considered the best. Now, first time with the translation of M.M. Ghosh, alongwith the Abhinava Bharti-the celebrated oldest commentary by erudite scholars Acarya Abhinava Gupta is being published for the 21st century scholars for further researchers. During one hundred many new editions of Natya-Sastra has been published. Many researchers have been included in these editions. This will, I Hope, facilitate and active the scholars of Indian dramaturgy and aesthetics, to do further researchers and enlighten the Ideological world in addition to Indian dramatic works.
Natyasastra of Bhartamuni: Text with Commentary of Abhinavbharati & English Translation (In 3 Volumes)
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Natyasastra of Bhartamuni: Text with Commentary of Abhinavbharati & English Translation (In 3 Volumes)
1st ed.
lix+462p.; viii+463-1006p.; viii+1007-1613p., Index; 25cm.
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