“Neem for Management of Crop Diseases’ provides information on the versatile nature of neem in controlling the crop diseases caused by the pathogens like fungi, viruses, bacteria and nematodes. The efficacy of neem on fungal pathogens of crop plants Pyriculaira oryzae, Sarocladium oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani, Helminthospotium oryzae, Cercospora persoat, Cercospora archidicola, Macrophomina solani, Ganoderma lucidum, antiviral activity, insect vector control effect on nematodes etc, have been extensively discussed in the 28 chapters that the volume contains. The usefulness of neem products for the management of crop diseases like blast, sheath rot, brown spot, bacterial leaf blight diseases of rice, charcoal rot of soybean, root rot and wilt of pigeon pea, late leaf spot, early leaf spot and rust diseases of groundnut, term rot of coconut, mycosphaerella leaf spot of cabbage, botryties blast of gali, phyllosticta leaf spot of ginger, rhizome rot, rhizome and capsule rot of small cardamom, post harvest diseases, potato leaf roll virus, leaf crinkle of urdbean, yellow mosaic of urdbean and soybean, nematode disease of soybeen, carrot, banana, grape vine, have been described. The effect of neem on the host, induced resistance have also been dealt with.
Dictionary of Horticulture: Haplophragma-Luvunga (Volume 6)
Plants of horticultural ...
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