
Operations Research and Quality Management

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Operations research is the scientific approach involving use of statistics and mathematics to predict and compare outcome of alternative decision to the management problems concerning complex situations arising in the management of men, machine, materials, money and methods. It has tremendous bearing on decision making. In addition to decision making, management of quality of goods and services is another. What are the concepts and techniques of operations research? What are the issues and methods for management of quality, productivity and total quality? How planning for quality is made and what are quality standards? These and many more issues arise in the mind of present as well as future managers. Presenting systems and scientific concept of management, production planning and control, forecasting, production control and operations research concept and techniques at the outset, “Operations Research and Quality Management” described in detail management of quality, productivity, total quality along with various concepts and issues concerning them. In addition, the book elaborately describes each and every aspect of quality planning, leadership for TQM, ISO 9000 quality standards and challenges facing quality managers. This lucid presentation on each and every aspect of operations research as well as quality management is a must for students and teachers of management studies, researchers, business managers and general readers.


Sunita Giri is one of the senior most professors of management in the country. She laid foundation of Commerce and Management Education in many leading universities in India. She is Commerce and management Discipline for the last many decades. She is actively associated with teaching research and consultancy. She has guided some 50 students for their Ph.D. programme. She has written twenty books, has got more than 200 papers published in journals of India and abroad and completed more than dozen research projects. Her research development programmes for executives in business and government are substantial.


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Operations Research and Quality Management
1st ed.
viii+344p., Tables; Figures; Appendices; Index; 23cm.