Kumaun Himalaya which forms the easternmost part of the North-Western Himalaya, harbours a rich and varied flora including the orchids and has attracted several professional and amateur botanists in the past, who visited this region especially for making plant collections. Kumaun Himalaya forms a transition zone both for eastern and western Himalayan elements. In spite of such a rich and varied flora including orchids, no systematic attempt has been made so far to describe all known orchids of kumaun Himalaya. The present work is a modest attempt in that direction which describes a total of 61 genera spread over 192 species and l variety belonging to 5 sub-families. This accounts over 80% of the total number of orchids so far recorded in North-western Himalaya. Keys to sub-families, genera and species have been given to facilitate their identifications. The correct nomenclature, phytography, flowering time, distribution and specimen/s seen have been provided under each species.
Orchids of Kumaun Himalaya
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Orchids of Kumaun Himalaya
1st ed.
iv+193p., Tables; References; Maps; Index; 26cm.
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