Partition: The Real Story II

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The Partition in 1947 of an indivisible India is difficult to forget and dangerous to remember. It left rivers of blood flowing and heaped untold miseries on the innocent people of India, the description of which is beyond the scope of human language. A tragedy of this magnitude never occurred in the entire history of South Asia it was a tragedy in the classic mould where death and suffering occurred without anybody wanting it or feeling responsible for it. Gandhi had warned: “Remember if you divide India today, tomorrow we might escape its consequence but generations to come will curse us at every step for the kind of Swaraj we shall have bequeathed to them. We paid heavily for ignoring his warning and are still paying for it. the repercussions and consequences of this monumental event still plague the life of the sub-continent. To cite only one cancerous consequence is the continuing serial of communal riots, which has claimed 50, 000 lives since Independence with no end in sight. It seems as if this thorn covered with blood would never be plugged from the conscience of mankind. With the wisdom of hindsight, it is now that the pieces of the story are being put together. Many questions are still begging for answers. There are still silences desperately trying to find words. Unfortunately we have no history of our own. The entire history of the British period is of British origin-the picture of the lion painted by himself. It was the British who handed over power to whomsoever they liked. It was no ‘freedom’ as we know it in the historical sense of the world. It was no different from the handed-over-taken-over process taking place every day in government offices throughout India. They put ideas in the minds of the Muslims elite and encouraged them to dream up a country of their own-the result is Pakistan. After 4 wars and 70,000 lives Kashmir is still burning. They encouraged the Sikhs to consider themselves as a separate nation-the resultant demand was Khalistan which claimed 50,000 lives and devastated Punjab for well over two decades. The evidence is all there for everyone to see. It is, therefore, surprising that investigative historians are still groping in the dark looking for the ‘guilty men’ of Partition. These men are crouching in the dark and neglected comers of dusty files, moth-eaten diaries, official and unofficial letters exchanged between British officials, stored in shut out archives and museums, waiting to be discovered. There was a method in the madness leading to Partition. The British knew what was coming and where India is heading for. Once they became aware of the gaze of history they deliberately let loose the bull of confusion in the China shop of history. One has to take the bull by the horn to save the China. And this is what this book has attempted to do. The first part of this book ‘Partition-the real story’ appeared as far back as 1992 and conclusively established, what Nehru said soon after Partition, that the common people of India had nothing to do with Partition. It was Imposed by the British as Mountbatten has himself recorded. This second part of the same story identifies the men and their stooges and lackeys responsible for this ‘Crime Against Humanity’, for which, unfortunately, there is to be no Nuremberg. It will be a reaffirmation for those who know, a revelation for those who ought to know and an instruction for those who need to known.


Mushtaq Naqvi was born on 2nd October 1934 in Lucknow. Having lost his father early in life, he was brought up by his maternal uncle late Wasi Naqvi, a veteran Congress leader of U.P. On his father's side he traces his lineage to a family of sufis who still are a respected name in Punjab and Gujarat. On his mother's side he has descended from a line of freedom fighters (his great grandfather was hanged by the British in 1857). Naqvi after his early education in Rae Bareali and Lucknow did his M.A. from Allahabad University where he taught English literature for several years. In 1972 he joined Feroze Gandhi College, Rae Bareali. He has authored half a dozen books in Urdu including a book on para-psychology and a highly acclaimed biographical sketch of legendary poet and freedom fighter Firaq Gorakhpuri. His other books in English are due later this year. He regularly contribute articles to reputed magazines and newspapers of the country. Naqvi has retired and lives in Lucknow.


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Partition: The Real Story II
1st ed.
xi+163p., References; Bibliography; 23cm.