Ever since the Indian Sub-Continent was partitioned around 15th August 1947, the relations of the two Nations Indian and Pakistan have not been cordial. On the contrary Pakistan attached India in 1948, 1965 and 1971. In the year 1971, 90,000 forces of Pakistan surrendered before the Indian forces in the newly created State of Bangladesh, which was previously called Eastern Pakistan. Now the two countries have begun efforts at the diplomatic level to improve the Indo Pakistan relations. A bus service from Delhi to Lahore has been started. Similarly, a bus service from Srinagar to Muzzafarabad in occupied Kashmir has been started. Efforts are on to increase level of trade between the two countries and cultural exchange programmes have been prepared to be put into practice. It is generally believed that this is being done under the pressure of the United States of America. America after 11th September 2001 is trying to suppress the terrorists activities, being conducted by the Muslim fundamentalists. For the purpose America is coming closer to India and is trying to persuade Pakistan to have good relations with India.
Perspectives on Indo-Pak Relation
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Perspectives on Indo-Pak Relation
1st ed.
238p., 22cm.
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