Phytohormones in Crop Productivity under Different Environments

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Eversince man has learned the art of agriculture, he has been putting his efforts to enhance the productivity of the crops to meet his demands for livelihood. With the advancement of knowledge and technology progress has been made manifold but with the rise in environmental problems. With the limited land to live off and adverse effect of the population increase and growth of industries, the management of available resources without sacrificing yields under varied environmental conditions is the need of the hour. The use of phytohormones is thought to prove its potential in meeting these challenges. The contents of the book may be helpful in providing information regarding the utility of the application of phytohormones in enhancing productivity under varied environmental stresses, such as nutrition, water, senescence and temperature. Further, research on fundamental lines has also been discussed. The book may be of use to students, researchers and every one who has interest in plant and their productivity and environmental stresses concerning plant productivity.


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Phytohormones in Crop Productivity under Different Environments
1st. Ed.