These proposed interventions have been divided into Community and Wereda Interventions (CWIs) and Non-Community and Wereda Interventions (NCWIs) for addressing identified local problems and to raise the living standards of the people of the wereda through the provision of socio-economic infrastructure, developing sustainable agricultural and other income-generating schemes. It will help gather appropriate data and information for future plans, assist establish a comprehensive and viable programs and projects and would, indeed, serve as a valuable road map for all the wereda development related decision making. Increasing the income of and improving access to rural people to obtain basic domestic needs, social services and economic facilities and other rural infrastructure. This will be achieved by expanding education, health services and family planning and developing income generating schemes. Adopting pro-poor and pro-women policies, by giving them priorities in employment, credit facilities and technical assistance and strengthening women and youth associates.
Planning and Implementation of Integrated Development Models
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Planning and Implementation of Integrated Development Models
1st ed.
xxiv+620p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.
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