IRDP which is a well-tried and tested developmental programme in rural perspective India has both different degree of achievements and performance different States. So many evaluation studies have been conducted to study the impact of IRDP but mainly in developing and backward areas where the proportion of vulnerable population and weaker section in rural population is very high. In comparison to a study of the kind, a limited number of studies has been conducted in already developed and dynamic States like Haryana and Punjab. In a backward and traditional State economy, the reports on performance, working and impact of IRDP have been discussed properly but how this scheme is introduced and how does it work in a developed state economy is perhaps more important now to be studies and evaluated. The present book fills up this gap to a greater extent. The present study has been designed to focus on the workingk efficiency of IRDP in typical socio-economic settings of rural Haryana where one faces the real problems of the poor and the downtrodden. In this study, besides the use of secondary data for the assessment of the achievements and locating the various problems related to IRDP, primary data have also been collected from the appropriate areas to study the implementation process, to evaluate the achievements and to locate the implementational gap of IRDP at grassroot level Haryana.
Planning for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
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Planning for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
1st ed.
xi+197p., Tables; References; Annexures; Bibliography; Index; 22cm.
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