The present work contains descriptions and illustrations of 80 species of polypores belonging to 32 genera of three families viz., Ganodermataceae, Hymenochaetaceae and Polyporaceae. The book also provides a brief summary of the history and classification of the three families and a review of literature on the subject including contributions of Indian workers. Keys are provided for families, genera and species. Full synonymy and author citation are quoted for each species. Detailed descriptions, drawings and collection data are also provided. With a few exceptions descriptions are based on fresh collections made by the authors from Kerala. Part of all the collections are deposited in the Herbarium of the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun (Herb. FRI) and at the Herbarium Cryptogamme Indae Orientalis (Herb. HCIO) of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.
An Annotated Checklist of Amphibia of India With Some Insights into the Patterns of Species Discoveries, Distribution and Endemism
An annotated checklist of ...
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