Since India became a contracting party to the Ramsar Convention in 1981, only 25 wetlands in the country have been internationally designated as Ramsar sites. This is in spite of the richness of aquatic ecosystem types in the country. The 25 Ramsar sites in India do not represent even a fraction of the diversity of wetland habitats existing in the country. In this book, 160 sites which qualify the Ramsar criteria, has been identified, including the existing 25 Ramsar sites. Most of the potential Ramsar sites and many existing Ramsar sites are important for biodiversity conservation. About 144 are Important Bird Areas (IBAs), and 79 are protected areas (Sanctuaries, National Parks, Conservation Reserve). While selecting the potential sites (135), the authors have made an attempt to cover all the biogeographic areas, except Andaman and Nicobar. In this book, they have tried to cover the whole country and all the biogeographic regions and their provinces. The book will help the decision makers, conservationists, and administrators to declare and maintain many more Ramsar sites in India.
Potential and Existing Ramsar Sites in India
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Potential and Existing Ramsar Sites in India
1st ed.
Oxford University Press, 2008
viii+584p., 154 Maps; 220 Coloured Plates
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